Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Everything's BIG in Texas

Well whoever said everything is BIG in Texas must have been thinking about Anne's new jeep. Wow, 33 in tires, a huge lift kit on it's sooooo big it's got it's own zip code too!! It took some haggling (3 days..ugh) but we finally got exactly what she's been looking for over the last year or two.

She hasn't named it yet but it's already a high point of her day. It's also much easier for her to get Madison in and out of also. Originally she wanted a soft top but these hard tops actually have something like the old T-Tops. You can just unhitch a couple items and there you have it. Fresh air. And Nick will appreciate this...POWER WINDOWS front and back all from the drivers seat...NICE!

Ok, time for me to get ready for work. Madison is crashed out in my arms while I'm typing after an exhausting morning of bouncing and dancing in her new bounce toy. It's hilarious it has music and she bounces up and down, side to side until she about falls asleep.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Picture Day!

I can't believe that it has already been two weeks since going back to school. Leaving Madison at daycare has been the biggest adjustment. The ladies there are very sweet to her, and we are all adjusting. Yesterday was picture day. I joked, and told the ladies that I would do Madison's hair up in a big hairdo. Well, Tony brought out the wig, and we couldn't resist. Madison had the biggest hair at daycare.

Jamie Girl's Birthday

Our friend Jamie had her 29th (cough cough) birthday at a roller skating rink. Tony pulled out an Austin Power's costume to commemorate the special occasion. Needless to say, we were the only adult party there and I'm sure Madison was trying to figure out if she really belonged to the colorful 70's character. Sorry, but yes you do. Happy Birthday Jamie!

I think I know you.

Now this is how you enjoy a lollipop!

Charity and Jamie showing us how it's done.