Sunday, July 19, 2009

Goodnight Moon

What is it about being read to that everyone loves? I remember my Mom reading to us every day for an hour in the afternoon. It was put on the schedule during the summer. Some of my
favorite memories were from the stories that she read. I still remember many of them, and hope to pass this tradition down to Madison. Believe it or not, Madison would sit still for a book at about five months. Of course the book would take all but three minutes to read, and the stories came with animal sounds. Goodnight Moon is one of her favorites. Who would have guessed that saying goodnight to mush and a old woman who said hush would capture the mind of a seven month old? This is actually one of my favorite times of the evening, just after a bath and pajamas, and just before bed. Good stuff.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! Goodnight Moon is a favorite at our house too.
