Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Challenge from Gina and Granpa's Here!!!! Gina had a fun idea on her blog about making gifts, and I decided to participate. Here are the rules...

1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make. (but if you love me, you will pretend.)
2. What I create will be just for you. (and only sharing)
3. It'll be done this year. 
4. You will not have a clue what it's going to be. It may be a story. It may be poetry or an article on properly cleaning your toilet or laundry or (fill in the blank). I may draw or craft something. I may bake you something. Who knows? Not you. That's for sure! 

The catch? Oh, the catch is that you must repost this on your blog (or facebook/myspace page) and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog.
The first 5 people to do so, and leave a comment telling me they did, win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift made by me! Oh and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it!
Good Luck!!

Madison - Week 7

Madison is growing like a weed. She has her two month check up tomorrow including two shots. Ouch! The big obstacle now is trying to keep her from scratching her face with her talons that only babies have. I am constantly clipping and sanding, and she still manages to slip some scratches in. She is starting to smile and tries to talk. She is an outside baby, and we try to fit in at least one walk everyday. Dad plays his guitar for her, and I play the piano for her, lucky kid! The trick is keeping her on my lap, so all songs center around middle c. I remember growing up with Mom playing everyday, and later realized that not all kids fell asleep to live concerts, lucky me! Grandpa is coming to visit for the weekend so we will have lots more pictures to share.

Madison - Week 6

Our lovely sister-in-law Gina came out for a visit and to help this weekend. Her husband Nick is the brother that retired from the Airforce a year ago and has focused his energy on the Ironman competitions. Way to go Nick!!

Gina was nice enough to bring out her awesome camera and lens and took some great photos for us. She also has a fantastic website that showcases her work here. This is our favorite picture that she took the whole trip; it really captures our 'Drunk, milk baby' after a bottle. It's not until we look at pictures like this that we realize how small she is. Anne took her for her checkup and she was 11bs and 23 in now!

On Sunday we went over to our friends Kraig and Charity's house for their daughters 2nd birthday. I'll add some pictures to the photogallery of their party. Once again, Gina brought her lens and let me hook it up to Anne's camera to try it out and wow, I'm pretty good with the 'professional' equipment.

Madison - Week 5

Well it's week 5ish now and Anne and Madi are doing great. We took some great advice from Aunt Gina and have been letting Madison sleep in the car seat in bed with us and she's been snoozing for 3, 4 and 5 hr blocks! Amazing.

Madison is still eating about every 2-3 hrs and keeping Anne from a 'Full' night of sleep but she is getting enough sleep and in a great mood...that's my trooper! 

Today we finally decided on the daycare center for Madison for when Anne goes back to work to finish up the year. It's a great spot and is right down the street so it's easy for all of us.

Aunt Gina is coming to visit tomorrow and Anne has two of her friends (Godmother Dana and Amber) from work coming over on for a girls night of sinful board games, oh my!!. I guess I'll be the butler, waiter, chef and bartender for Anne's 1st drink in a year. 

Website is Up - (Dec 08)

(Tony) Well we finally had some time to get to the website and get some links and pictures up (when I say we, I mean Anne) I've been reinstalling all of the software on my computer to try and create some videos for us, some friends and maybe for some money some day.

Anne is doing great getting up at all hours and making Madison a happy baby, she's doing much better than I am since I have to get 5 hrs of sleep in a row or I'm a wreck. The great side of staying home all of the time is that we're making lots of food and sweets and enjoying cooking.

Ok..see you back here soon.