Tuesday, July 6, 2010


This is Monkey. I went to the store to get the baby umbrella stroller, because Madison was enthralled with her friend's stroller, and walked out with a gigantic monkey in tow. Madison loves monkeys, and didn't want anything else in her stroller when Tony showed her the limitless possibilities of what could fit. Madison also has Moo Cow, one of those plush pillow pets...it's a pillow, but also a pet! (oooooooooooo) She dragged Moo Cow in the plastic bag across the entire mall, and must bring her pillow pet with her after every nap, which makes for quite the crowd coming out of the crib, Moo Cow, Bunny, Blanket, and Monkey. I had to hide Monkey last night, he wasn't letting Madison get any sleep, they would have been up talking all night.

Happy Madison

Oh the Places You Will Go

Monkey is secured

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I can tell Monkey is going to be a bad influence! He looks like Eddie Haskel...nice innocent smile but then when you are not looking he will be trying to get Madison to sneak ice-cream to him. So happy to see your blog has been update:-). Love that Madison...she is THE cutest!!!!
