Thursday, March 19, 2009

Belly Time and Belly Laughs

I have been informed about the importance of belly time. Apparantly, Madison won't learn to walk, talk, crawl or have a good relationship, if she doesn't get sufficient belly time. O.K. Maybe not that severe, but important enough to incorporate daily sessions. She has also started laughing. Today it was Tony and a stuffed teddy bear that captured the contagious smile and laughter.

Belly Time Begins

Belly Time Ends When Eating the Mat

A Smile Begins

And Laughter Follows

You Are SMILING Now Too Aren't You?

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Many Faces Of Madison

We went for a walk on our favorite trail the other day. As I looked through the pictures, I realized exactly what people had been saying about Madison being a perfect blend of Tony and myself. There are times she looks so much like her dad. The redbuds are in bloom in Texas, and they are quite breathtaking, almost like we have cherry blossoms. If you look closely, there is a moth on the branch.

My Curious Relaxed Face

My Gerber Baby Face

My I'm Amused Face

The I Look Exactly Like My Dad Face

Friday, March 13, 2009

Self Portrait

So my lovely sister-in-law, Gina Bo Bina, sent on a triple dog dare, to take a self portrait without primping. Here is my picture and I challenge my two sisters, Susan and Sarah, and my brother Daniel to do the same. Daniel, your picture must be sans speedo. I know, I know, such restrictions. Madison can't believe that her Mom is posting this picture. Darn that double dog dare!


Madison made her first trip to California which included the beach, of course. The water was very brrrr, but I had to dip my toes.

She met most of her crazy aunts and uncles, my friends Mimi and Yvette, her cousin Nicole, Tony's friends Darren and Jeremy, and spent lots of quality time with Grandma.

Pheww! Tony saw Jeremy Buck perform, who has claimed Madison as a product of his first cd. We met at Jeremy's first cd release party. Thanks Jeremy! I am enjoying the last week of my maternity leave before I go back to work.

I am sure that Madison will adjust much better than myself. She is cooing and smiling and I heard her laugh for the first time, at Daddy and his silly faces. Madison had a great first trip, unlike my nephew Jay's first Cali impression.

I performed a caffeine induced version of lord of the dance for Jay. When I finished with the flailing limbs, Jay just stared and then burst out crying. Alas, no more lord of the dance California welcome for anyone under six months.

Here's all of our California images.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Madison's First Boat Ride

Believe it or not, we actually had a day at 90 degrees, and couldn't pass up the chance to take the boat out for a spin. Nick told me the story of his first boat ride being in a box, but he also swears that my birthday is actually my founding day, when they noticed something rustling in the leaves. If all of us didn't look so much like each other, my feelings might actually be hurt. Well, Madison wasn't in a box, but I'm sure we will figure out some sort of contraption for future rides.