Thursday, March 19, 2009

Belly Time and Belly Laughs

I have been informed about the importance of belly time. Apparantly, Madison won't learn to walk, talk, crawl or have a good relationship, if she doesn't get sufficient belly time. O.K. Maybe not that severe, but important enough to incorporate daily sessions. She has also started laughing. Today it was Tony and a stuffed teddy bear that captured the contagious smile and laughter.

Belly Time Begins

Belly Time Ends When Eating the Mat

A Smile Begins

And Laughter Follows

You Are SMILING Now Too Aren't You?


  1. How adorable! Belly laughs are the best! Madison is a charmer.

  2. Yep smiling! She is too cute. And WOW she can really hold her head up until she can't any more. Looks like she is well on her way!
