Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Shopping Cart

Madison received a shopping cart for her birthday. Once it was assembled, and she figured out that she could be mobile, watch out! Everytime she ran into a roadblock, which was usually the dog or a wall, she would let out a short and frustrated "ahh!" After awhile, when we stopped laughing, we tried to teach her other ways to ask for help. Regardless, it was definitely entertaining to see her charge through with much gusto with the thing. I had to hide it from her when I was getting her ready for bed because everytime she saw it, more shopping had to be done. Beware of the baby shopping cart!

Hey! What's this?

I can walk with it?!
Out of my way!

I love my shopping cart.

I wonder if I can get monster tires on it too!


  1. You know, this shopping cart is just going to speed up her walking, right? Then you are in big trouble! Watch out world!

  2. Cute pictures! Madison is growing fast....she already looks like she has taken charge of that shopping cart!
