Tuesday, July 6, 2010


This is Monkey. I went to the store to get the baby umbrella stroller, because Madison was enthralled with her friend's stroller, and walked out with a gigantic monkey in tow. Madison loves monkeys, and didn't want anything else in her stroller when Tony showed her the limitless possibilities of what could fit. Madison also has Moo Cow, one of those plush pillow pets...it's a pillow, but also a pet! (oooooooooooo) She dragged Moo Cow in the plastic bag across the entire mall, and must bring her pillow pet with her after every nap, which makes for quite the crowd coming out of the crib, Moo Cow, Bunny, Blanket, and Monkey. I had to hide Monkey last night, he wasn't letting Madison get any sleep, they would have been up talking all night.

Happy Madison

Oh the Places You Will Go

Monkey is secured

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas 2009

We had a white Christmas this year, and Madison wasn't the only one who had fun in the snow. I made it my mission to make a snowman in Texas, and being the first actual snowman that I attempted to make, I based my construction off of what I saw on T.V. Wrong! I'm not sure that angry words and flinging snow are part of the Christmas spirit, but I soon found out that
1. There is no such thing as rolling snow to make a spherical shape. 2. People will report suspicious activity when they spot a hunched over hooded person at 11 p.m. Christmas Eve, and 3. Making a snowman shouldn't take three hours, but it did. Regardless, it was well worth the effort, and it left me feeling that I might have acquired a minute portion of the family engineering gene...or maybe not. This was also Madison's first visit with Santa. She didn't cry, but was definitely perplexed. Way to go!

Enjoying some snow

Covered the front yard

Only a day before the snow

Here, sit with this stranger

Santa and Madison

Mr. Snowman

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Shopping Cart

Madison received a shopping cart for her birthday. Once it was assembled, and she figured out that she could be mobile, watch out! Everytime she ran into a roadblock, which was usually the dog or a wall, she would let out a short and frustrated "ahh!" After awhile, when we stopped laughing, we tried to teach her other ways to ask for help. Regardless, it was definitely entertaining to see her charge through with much gusto with the thing. I had to hide it from her when I was getting her ready for bed because everytime she saw it, more shopping had to be done. Beware of the baby shopping cart!

Hey! What's this?

I can walk with it?!
Out of my way!

I love my shopping cart.

I wonder if I can get monster tires on it too!

Madison's 1st Birthday

I started a tradition where I write a poem for my niece and nephews (Luke, I wrote yours, I just need to send it to you) when each turned a year old. Now, it's my daughter's turn, and I can't believe she is already a year old. So here it is:

May you always be surprised
with "ooos" and "oohhs"
through the chapters
you will travel

May your laugh be
just as infectious
over silly dances
and offbeat songs
there was a dog
who had a name

May you get beside yourself
with flailing arms and feet
at the sight of your
favorite people
(even if you don't call us by
name and when I say us, I
mean me)

May you continue to find excitement
in touchdowns, Christmas lights, and
pushing the shopping cart of
your life
no matter what's thrown in
your basktet

Monster trucks
are for girls too
People will love you
for who you already are
Reading does make you

are one of my favorite people
I love you and will love you
From the second you were born
I knew the word
Happy Birthday
My Sweet Girl


Grandma came to visit for Thanksgiving. Hooray! Madison got lots of loving and quality time with Grandma, and I even stole some Mom time for myself. Tony smoked a turkey, and got up during the wee hours to start the project. He told the story of the first time he ever smoked a turkey, and I must share. Apparantly, smoking does not entail a rip roaring fire of five hundred degrees with constant stoking for hours. The outcome was a burnt bird with charcoal sprinkles. Well, that was far from what we had this thanksgiving. Everything was delicious, and made even better by the company. Thanks Mom for flying out!
Getting a little help from Grandma

A perfect Fall day


For Halloween, Tony took portraits at Madison's daycare to raise money for the Make a Wish foundation. The portraits turned out extremely well, and of course we couldn't miss the oportunity to take some of our own. Madison was Princess Leia. She wore it well, and even tolerated the ridiculous felt wig. The belt was a bit too small for this chunky monkey, but she carried off the outfit with style. Of course, she really didn't have a choice, and I realize that at some point she will want to pick her own costume, but for now, enjoy.
She just saw Daddy behind the camera.

Definitely the best costume ever!

Looking for her buns.

Read Read Read

With school starting in late August, my one mantra is to read. Some of my students come in with the most famous phrase of all "I hate reading." I try to remind them that maybe you don't like what you are reading instead of all reading. I repeat this over and over, and I know they get tired. In fact I get tired of saying the same thing over and over, but not tired enough to stop nagging them. I find it so refreshing to read to a kid that actually likes reading. True, she is only a year old, but she oooos and ohs as she flips through her books, as if she hasn't see them a hundred times before. Madison loves books. She will sit down and flip through a book (upside down) for minutes. Way to go Madison!

Thanks Aunt Marline for all my great books!

What is Madeline going to do next?