Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Shopping Cart

Madison received a shopping cart for her birthday. Once it was assembled, and she figured out that she could be mobile, watch out! Everytime she ran into a roadblock, which was usually the dog or a wall, she would let out a short and frustrated "ahh!" After awhile, when we stopped laughing, we tried to teach her other ways to ask for help. Regardless, it was definitely entertaining to see her charge through with much gusto with the thing. I had to hide it from her when I was getting her ready for bed because everytime she saw it, more shopping had to be done. Beware of the baby shopping cart!

Hey! What's this?

I can walk with it?!
Out of my way!

I love my shopping cart.

I wonder if I can get monster tires on it too!

Madison's 1st Birthday

I started a tradition where I write a poem for my niece and nephews (Luke, I wrote yours, I just need to send it to you) when each turned a year old. Now, it's my daughter's turn, and I can't believe she is already a year old. So here it is:

May you always be surprised
with "ooos" and "oohhs"
through the chapters
you will travel

May your laugh be
just as infectious
over silly dances
and offbeat songs
there was a dog
who had a name

May you get beside yourself
with flailing arms and feet
at the sight of your
favorite people
(even if you don't call us by
name and when I say us, I
mean me)

May you continue to find excitement
in touchdowns, Christmas lights, and
pushing the shopping cart of
your life
no matter what's thrown in
your basktet

Monster trucks
are for girls too
People will love you
for who you already are
Reading does make you

are one of my favorite people
I love you and will love you
From the second you were born
I knew the word
Happy Birthday
My Sweet Girl


Grandma came to visit for Thanksgiving. Hooray! Madison got lots of loving and quality time with Grandma, and I even stole some Mom time for myself. Tony smoked a turkey, and got up during the wee hours to start the project. He told the story of the first time he ever smoked a turkey, and I must share. Apparantly, smoking does not entail a rip roaring fire of five hundred degrees with constant stoking for hours. The outcome was a burnt bird with charcoal sprinkles. Well, that was far from what we had this thanksgiving. Everything was delicious, and made even better by the company. Thanks Mom for flying out!
Getting a little help from Grandma

A perfect Fall day


For Halloween, Tony took portraits at Madison's daycare to raise money for the Make a Wish foundation. The portraits turned out extremely well, and of course we couldn't miss the oportunity to take some of our own. Madison was Princess Leia. She wore it well, and even tolerated the ridiculous felt wig. The belt was a bit too small for this chunky monkey, but she carried off the outfit with style. Of course, she really didn't have a choice, and I realize that at some point she will want to pick her own costume, but for now, enjoy.
She just saw Daddy behind the camera.

Definitely the best costume ever!

Looking for her buns.

Read Read Read

With school starting in late August, my one mantra is to read. Some of my students come in with the most famous phrase of all "I hate reading." I try to remind them that maybe you don't like what you are reading instead of all reading. I repeat this over and over, and I know they get tired. In fact I get tired of saying the same thing over and over, but not tired enough to stop nagging them. I find it so refreshing to read to a kid that actually likes reading. True, she is only a year old, but she oooos and ohs as she flips through her books, as if she hasn't see them a hundred times before. Madison loves books. She will sit down and flip through a book (upside down) for minutes. Way to go Madison!

Thanks Aunt Marline for all my great books!

What is Madeline going to do next?

It's been awhile..thanks Gina!

I have no excuses for being so late on these last few blogs, and thank Gina for being a constant reminder to update the blog. So here are a few postings. Summer ended, and with the hot and humid weather, we spent as much time possible near or on the water. Here are a few shots of us by one of our favorite spots on Eagle Mountain Lake, back in August.

Looking at the water and boats with Mama.

Smiling for the camera with Dada.

Showing the only two teeth that she is
sprouting on the bottom row.

Sharing some drool with her teething ring.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Goodnight Moon

What is it about being read to that everyone loves? I remember my Mom reading to us every day for an hour in the afternoon. It was put on the schedule during the summer. Some of my
favorite memories were from the stories that she read. I still remember many of them, and hope to pass this tradition down to Madison. Believe it or not, Madison would sit still for a book at about five months. Of course the book would take all but three minutes to read, and the stories came with animal sounds. Goodnight Moon is one of her favorites. Who would have guessed that saying goodnight to mush and a old woman who said hush would capture the mind of a seven month old? This is actually one of my favorite times of the evening, just after a bath and pajamas, and just before bed. Good stuff.

Madison at the Helm!

No boaters were injured when Madison had the wheel. Texas finally cooled off to a balmy 95 degrees. Enough of a cool down to head off to our favorite wakeboarding spot. The last few weekends have been above 100, a bit to hot, even for the lake. I'm happy that at least one of the drivers is looking at where he is going.

Daddy, exactly which one of these sets off the nitro jet blasters? I love this picture, it looks as if she is concetrating so hard on what to do next.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fossil Rim

Fossil Rim is a great wild animal park where you can hand feed giraffes to deer. The giraffes are a definite favorite. This was Madison's first visit, and I'm sure that she thought all the animals were just like her puppies. She kept on trying to touch the giraffe's nostril, but he was only interested in whether or not she had food. Madison is six months now, and developing a little personality. She's so much fun to be around and we are enjoying our summer together.

I love how Madison is completely oblivious to the huge giraffe head in her window. I think she was concentrating on a bag of peanuts.

Oh look! There's a giraffe in my window!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Everything's BIG in Texas

Well whoever said everything is BIG in Texas must have been thinking about Anne's new jeep. Wow, 33 in tires, a huge lift kit on it's sooooo big it's got it's own zip code too!! It took some haggling (3 days..ugh) but we finally got exactly what she's been looking for over the last year or two.

She hasn't named it yet but it's already a high point of her day. It's also much easier for her to get Madison in and out of also. Originally she wanted a soft top but these hard tops actually have something like the old T-Tops. You can just unhitch a couple items and there you have it. Fresh air. And Nick will appreciate this...POWER WINDOWS front and back all from the drivers seat...NICE!

Ok, time for me to get ready for work. Madison is crashed out in my arms while I'm typing after an exhausting morning of bouncing and dancing in her new bounce toy. It's hilarious it has music and she bounces up and down, side to side until she about falls asleep.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Picture Day!

I can't believe that it has already been two weeks since going back to school. Leaving Madison at daycare has been the biggest adjustment. The ladies there are very sweet to her, and we are all adjusting. Yesterday was picture day. I joked, and told the ladies that I would do Madison's hair up in a big hairdo. Well, Tony brought out the wig, and we couldn't resist. Madison had the biggest hair at daycare.

Jamie Girl's Birthday

Our friend Jamie had her 29th (cough cough) birthday at a roller skating rink. Tony pulled out an Austin Power's costume to commemorate the special occasion. Needless to say, we were the only adult party there and I'm sure Madison was trying to figure out if she really belonged to the colorful 70's character. Sorry, but yes you do. Happy Birthday Jamie!

I think I know you.

Now this is how you enjoy a lollipop!

Charity and Jamie showing us how it's done.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Belly Time and Belly Laughs

I have been informed about the importance of belly time. Apparantly, Madison won't learn to walk, talk, crawl or have a good relationship, if she doesn't get sufficient belly time. O.K. Maybe not that severe, but important enough to incorporate daily sessions. She has also started laughing. Today it was Tony and a stuffed teddy bear that captured the contagious smile and laughter.

Belly Time Begins

Belly Time Ends When Eating the Mat

A Smile Begins

And Laughter Follows

You Are SMILING Now Too Aren't You?

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Many Faces Of Madison

We went for a walk on our favorite trail the other day. As I looked through the pictures, I realized exactly what people had been saying about Madison being a perfect blend of Tony and myself. There are times she looks so much like her dad. The redbuds are in bloom in Texas, and they are quite breathtaking, almost like we have cherry blossoms. If you look closely, there is a moth on the branch.

My Curious Relaxed Face

My Gerber Baby Face

My I'm Amused Face

The I Look Exactly Like My Dad Face

Friday, March 13, 2009

Self Portrait

So my lovely sister-in-law, Gina Bo Bina, sent on a triple dog dare, to take a self portrait without primping. Here is my picture and I challenge my two sisters, Susan and Sarah, and my brother Daniel to do the same. Daniel, your picture must be sans speedo. I know, I know, such restrictions. Madison can't believe that her Mom is posting this picture. Darn that double dog dare!


Madison made her first trip to California which included the beach, of course. The water was very brrrr, but I had to dip my toes.

She met most of her crazy aunts and uncles, my friends Mimi and Yvette, her cousin Nicole, Tony's friends Darren and Jeremy, and spent lots of quality time with Grandma.

Pheww! Tony saw Jeremy Buck perform, who has claimed Madison as a product of his first cd. We met at Jeremy's first cd release party. Thanks Jeremy! I am enjoying the last week of my maternity leave before I go back to work.

I am sure that Madison will adjust much better than myself. She is cooing and smiling and I heard her laugh for the first time, at Daddy and his silly faces. Madison had a great first trip, unlike my nephew Jay's first Cali impression.

I performed a caffeine induced version of lord of the dance for Jay. When I finished with the flailing limbs, Jay just stared and then burst out crying. Alas, no more lord of the dance California welcome for anyone under six months.

Here's all of our California images.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Madison's First Boat Ride

Believe it or not, we actually had a day at 90 degrees, and couldn't pass up the chance to take the boat out for a spin. Nick told me the story of his first boat ride being in a box, but he also swears that my birthday is actually my founding day, when they noticed something rustling in the leaves. If all of us didn't look so much like each other, my feelings might actually be hurt. Well, Madison wasn't in a box, but I'm sure we will figure out some sort of contraption for future rides.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Challenge from Gina and Granpa's Here!!!! Gina had a fun idea on her blog about making gifts, and I decided to participate. Here are the rules...

1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make. (but if you love me, you will pretend.)
2. What I create will be just for you. (and only sharing)
3. It'll be done this year. 
4. You will not have a clue what it's going to be. It may be a story. It may be poetry or an article on properly cleaning your toilet or laundry or (fill in the blank). I may draw or craft something. I may bake you something. Who knows? Not you. That's for sure! 

The catch? Oh, the catch is that you must repost this on your blog (or facebook/myspace page) and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog.
The first 5 people to do so, and leave a comment telling me they did, win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift made by me! Oh and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it!
Good Luck!!

Madison - Week 7

Madison is growing like a weed. She has her two month check up tomorrow including two shots. Ouch! The big obstacle now is trying to keep her from scratching her face with her talons that only babies have. I am constantly clipping and sanding, and she still manages to slip some scratches in. She is starting to smile and tries to talk. She is an outside baby, and we try to fit in at least one walk everyday. Dad plays his guitar for her, and I play the piano for her, lucky kid! The trick is keeping her on my lap, so all songs center around middle c. I remember growing up with Mom playing everyday, and later realized that not all kids fell asleep to live concerts, lucky me! Grandpa is coming to visit for the weekend so we will have lots more pictures to share.

Madison - Week 6

Our lovely sister-in-law Gina came out for a visit and to help this weekend. Her husband Nick is the brother that retired from the Airforce a year ago and has focused his energy on the Ironman competitions. Way to go Nick!!

Gina was nice enough to bring out her awesome camera and lens and took some great photos for us. She also has a fantastic website that showcases her work here. This is our favorite picture that she took the whole trip; it really captures our 'Drunk, milk baby' after a bottle. It's not until we look at pictures like this that we realize how small she is. Anne took her for her checkup and she was 11bs and 23 in now!

On Sunday we went over to our friends Kraig and Charity's house for their daughters 2nd birthday. I'll add some pictures to the photogallery of their party. Once again, Gina brought her lens and let me hook it up to Anne's camera to try it out and wow, I'm pretty good with the 'professional' equipment.

Madison - Week 5

Well it's week 5ish now and Anne and Madi are doing great. We took some great advice from Aunt Gina and have been letting Madison sleep in the car seat in bed with us and she's been snoozing for 3, 4 and 5 hr blocks! Amazing.

Madison is still eating about every 2-3 hrs and keeping Anne from a 'Full' night of sleep but she is getting enough sleep and in a great mood...that's my trooper! 

Today we finally decided on the daycare center for Madison for when Anne goes back to work to finish up the year. It's a great spot and is right down the street so it's easy for all of us.

Aunt Gina is coming to visit tomorrow and Anne has two of her friends (Godmother Dana and Amber) from work coming over on for a girls night of sinful board games, oh my!!. I guess I'll be the butler, waiter, chef and bartender for Anne's 1st drink in a year. 

Website is Up - (Dec 08)

(Tony) Well we finally had some time to get to the website and get some links and pictures up (when I say we, I mean Anne) I've been reinstalling all of the software on my computer to try and create some videos for us, some friends and maybe for some money some day.

Anne is doing great getting up at all hours and making Madison a happy baby, she's doing much better than I am since I have to get 5 hrs of sleep in a row or I'm a wreck. The great side of staying home all of the time is that we're making lots of food and sweets and enjoying cooking.

Ok..see you back here soon.